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Be turned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2020-08-08Updated:2020-08-08
Similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-on
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121 The mechanical energy can be turned into electrical a generator.
122 According to the company, both have a maximum HD recording time of 29 minutes but with a caveat — optical image stabilization needs to be turned off.
More similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-onturned outunturnedoverturnedwell-turnedleave no stone unturnedburnedreturnspurnedburned-outburned outunburnedon the turnin returnreturn tosunburnedturnerreturningtax returntake turnsday returnincome returnreturn code
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